Distinguished Gentlemen:Honoring The Gentlemen Making An Impact

Group Shout Look_1Distinguished Gentlemen celebrates our emerging African-American male business and community leaders while also raising funds to support boys & men of color initiatives.

Miami, FL, September 3, 2014 – The K.Jules Project, a social impact initiative launched by South Florida’s native and emerging community leader Kerline Jules, was pleased to present the 2014 Distinguished Gentlemen: Honoring the Gentlemen Making An Impact Award. Distinguished Gentlemen, celebrates South Florida’s emerging African-American male business and community leaders with debonair & honor while also brining awareness to local boys and men of color initiatives.

“With the constant negative images of our black men, it was important to me as a servant leader passionate about the empowerment of my community to do my part in elevating and celebrating the images of our black men here in South Florida. Distinguished Gentlemen showcases some of our finest young black businessmen and non-profit leaders”, said Kerline Jules, Founder of The K.Jules Project. “It is my vision that this initiative will grow to be one of the largest honorary events raising funds and brining awareness to boys and men of color initiatives.”

This year’s impressive honorees included the founder of one of the few African-American owned architecture firms in South Florida, Communications Director for South Florida’s $200 million endowed community foundation, Finance Director for a 100-million-dollar South Florida property and former University of Miami star athlete that turned his passion for athletic development to an award winning business.

The K.Jules Project treated the honorees to a full-blown Distinguished Gentlemen debonair photo shoot at Miami’s Wynwood Image 1st Studio.  On the evening of August 26th, an upscale recognition social was hosted in the gentlemen’s honor at North Miami Beach’s lux décor C-Lounge & Cigar Bar. The Honorable Judge Elijah Williams, Circuit Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit, Broward County, Florida, who currently presides over juvenile delinquency cases, shared a special keynote address highlighting the importance of young leaders getting engaged in the community and the impact of his advocacy work on eliminating the schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline. Also sharing remarks on their boys & men of color initiatives was Benjamin Evans III, Managing Director of BMe Community, a national organization focus on building caring and prosperous communities inspired by black men. The well-attended evening affair with a purpose was hosted by South Florida’s Radio Personality veteran Tamara G of HOT105.

The K.Jules Project congratulates the following 2014 Distinguished Gentlemen honorees for their dedication to making an impact:

Matthew Beatty

Director of Communication

Miami Foundation


National Black Public Relations Society (South Florida Chapter)

Zamarr Brown, RA, LEED AP

Owner and Principal Architect


President & Founder

National Organization for Minority Architects (NOMA) South Florida chapter

Brandon Azuka Dibia Okpalobi

Founder & CEO

Dibia Athletic Development

Garth Williams

Director of Finance

Calder Race Course & Casino

About Distinguished Gentlemen

Distinguished Gentlemen: Honoring the Gentlemen Making An Impact, is a debonair recognition event celebrating the achievements of South Florida’s emerging African-American male business and community leaders while brining awareness to boys and men of color initiatives.